Blog and Collections

Welcome to the stash of mixed goodies, a collective view of cool things old and new. Get a behind the scenes look at my work, my thoughts & the adventures of (my) life.

Article Destani June Article Destani June

Apps of 2020

Its the beginning of a new year, time for resolutions & reflections. This year, I thought why not reflect on what apps I used most and why.

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Article Destani June Article Destani June

Things I Use

When it comes to my everyday tech, I opt to keep it simple. My checklist: long lasting, aesthetically pleasing, well working technology that can get the job done.

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Collection Destani June Collection Destani June

Illustration Sandbox

Designer by day, dog mom by night, creator of things always. Freelance art, doodles, icons, even some character design. Here you’ll find a collection of “cool” illustrative things.

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